Chuck Norton

A:0 Introducing a Company

For many organizations, website visitors will enter the site multiple times before or during a relationship with the company. Their first visit is extremely important. But their return visit is equally important.

If any of these initial visits plant seeds of doubt as to the professionalism of the institution, the visitor will either stop considering the relationship, or start the relationship in a mode of caution or anxiety.

There are 5 main website problems that can introduce significant doubts to a visitor.  Ultimately, these doubts are cast upon the business owner.

5 Main Website Problems that Inject Doubt into the Visitor

  1. A Slow Loading Website
  2. A Confusing User Experience
  3. Unorganized, Challenging, or Unprofessional Content
  4. Lack of Updated Content
  5. And finally, An Amazing Website

Overcoming all of these potential “doubt injectors” is possible and important, because:

Every Company Website Should be Amazing and Inspire Confidence

We will be highlighting each of these issues over the next 5 weeks in an interesting blog series entitled, “What Your Website Really Says When You’re Not Looking.”