Relevant websites are not so different than a motion picture.
A website is a medium where several voices blend together to create a whole film. The content (that is, who and what you or your business are) is your story. The words that explain that content–in addition to the colors chosen, the sounds and images–are spliced together perfectly as film reels to draw the viewer into your story.
But those same colors and images could also push viewers away. Well-chosen photographs in a website will naturally invite the viewer to investigate your home page. Unique, awe-inspiring images with enough space to stretch out and shine will keep your viewers in their seats, happily enjoying your website.
How could the excellent use of imagery help your site?
First, the images should be unique. Most people can actually feel the power of genuine images and design of a good site. If the photographs appear similar to almost every stock image they have ever seen, a note is sent to their brain that says: “Boring. This company is no different than their competitors.”
Cell phone companies’ websites often illustrate this, to some extent. I bet if you were given ten images from four big cell phone carriers without logos, you would never be able to tell which was which. The families look too good, too manicured and too happy! Simply by making an image unique, genuine and site-specific, your home page alone could hold a person’s interest and invite them in.
Second, images should have their own space to give them some visual power. Often people try to cram in as many buttons and pictures as possible. This is a sort of visual assault. It is overwhelming. Neither does it allow a photograph to communicate much, because it’s in a crowded, noisy room.
You will notice that major newspapers will lead the online editions with one very large image that changes throughout the day. They understand that good images are powerful. The photograph draws the reader in and welcomes them to the home page.
Finally, quality photography is able to immediately inspire. A strong, well-chosen picture could impress a visitor and show the quality of work that is put into a website. Adding in just a tiny amount of beauty through a unique image can help you stand apart and get your site the attention it deserves.